Wednesday, August 30, 2006


well... summer is coming to an end soon so i'd like to list my accomplisments thus far.

i've managed to cut down on the cost of living these days thanks in part to eddie, du, and hans. i really wasn't soooo hard of a task. total material purchases since i've left ibm has been roughly less than 200.

i've completed my capri sailing classes, got rated, and now a member of a sailing club. this past weekend i was able to take christine and kano out for some sailing off newport. this weekend i'm taking john and his gf laurie out for a whirl as well. i was asked to help with classes taught by jim, whom also works in ics as our facilities manager. i'll take him up on the offer starting next weekend since it will be with harvey mud (sp?) students and it seems like it'll be fun.

as for my health, today was my highest weight of 115.5. definitely happy to see those numbers. i'm now benching 155lbs as my max and 135lbs for my reps. would like to get to 200lbs soon, but i would also like to weigh 130lbs also. today i started riding bikes with eddie for an hour. we rode nearly to spectrum from our place. wasn't that far, but eventually well probably get further. of course he's got a beach cruiser and i have some sort of mountain bike, but we'll manage. street bikes are for whimps. ;)

my tan is coming along nicely from all the sailing.. i'm nearly black except for my life vest tan line. those should be going soon as i don't really need to put one on any longer since i'm not required to wear one now that i'm rated to sail alone.

as far as books, i've completed the tao of physics a few weeks ago. maybe a month, who knows. going to move onto the next book once i figure out what it'll be. grad school has taken a different direction towards philosophy. i figure i don't need a masters or phd in ics. i know a bit more than the average grad already. plus i'm looking at the kind of work they do and it's a bit dated. always thought they would work on more bleeding edge technologies. career wise... i will be able to advance without getting additional degrees. now i just want to expand my philosophy interests to an acedemic or scholarly level so i can discuss my theories and thoughts with others who would know what i'm talking about most of the time.

at this point i am behold religion and following doctrines that someone else interpreted or came up with from some profound thought. i am now the lone traveler whom chooses his own path in life. faith and destiny are a joke. life is far more complex with all it's intricate interactions to rely on letting someone else decide my future.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Monday, August 14, 2006

post birthday weekend

friday night @shark club
saturday night @v2o
apparently i was dancing more at the shark club than i had at v2o. could have been because i drank more at the first rather than at the latter. the girls at v20 were also more intimidating because they were prettier i thought.

according to dave and friend anh, they weren't all that. so now i have to wonder about these two girls david is dating since they are suppose to be hot. dave, you bastard! share one!

that's all for tonight. getting some rest now so i can be awake for the concert tomorrow with death cab for cuties.

Monday, August 07, 2006

quote of the day

the best advice to make your dreams come true is to wakeup!

nough said. if you can't figure it out, you're not ready or mentally capable yet. for what its worth i got that statement from church today. usually i don't get much out of church, but today we had a visiting pastor so every now and then we'd get a new insight to walk away with that is non christian specific messages.

i can appreciate the message because it is forward thinking and also relates to the same message i've posted earlier on about execution. at some point some of our dreams solidify and become reality.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

good day

tis always a good day when girls roll down their windows to say hi to eddie and i again at the same corner on alton and culver. i love that corner of the street. ;) i wonder if they are the same girls from last time. hard to tell since it was actually a different car they were in. this time eddie said hi back while i just looked to see how young they were. i think they're still in high school, but hey... no complaints if they wanted to say hi first. =)

hopefully next time we'll have older women hitting on us instead. ;) then i wouldn't have to feel so bad. oh well...

i guess life is once again good to me. all the sailing i've done this summer has kept me busy and yet relaxed. it's also kept me away from computers for a bit after work hours. guess the only reason i've been on this much is because hans is on his vacation in japan so i have a little more work than usual to do, but i think i'm handling it ok so far.

i don't have much of an insight into life today so back to some light reading for work and then off to bed. can't believe i've changed my schedule so much that i'm actually tired around now. i guess i can accomplish more in life when i work normal hours, let alone sleep normal hours like the rest of the world!

chow for now.