Thursday, March 27, 2008

wish me luck!

waiting on approval for the yogurtland franchise and recent job interview!

did i not mention that 2008 was a year of CHANGE?! =) tis the year to let my actions do the talking. for all those also aspiring for some change... JUST DO IT!

those that support my crazy ideas, endeavors and antics... i THANK thee DEEPLY! for those that have doubts and disapprove, well... i've got nothing nice to say, so the next time we meet i shall just smile. =)

did i mention that i'm finally taking a real vacation this year? paris here i cometh! it's been too long since my last real trips/adventures overseas. vacations here are fun, but its just not the same going somewhere where the language is other than english.

oh and if YOU are reading this eileen... april is coming around SHORTLY! guess what happens in april my dear long time friend... =) i know that you are moving to the east coast (nj/nyc) but don't you think we should give US a chance? seriously, i've known you forever... well except those 5 years where i fell into some wormhole, but i've managed to come back out of that time warp. ;) we get along well don't we? i can't see our friendship falling apart if the relationship doesn't workout cause we started out as good friends.

i can honestly say that i'm over my little drama ordeal. and if you are truly over yours neither of us will be rebounding since i think i'm waaaay past that stage. i'm not looking for a relationship to replace someone, but because i really think we would be great for each other. i love that you have great optimism and persistent at what you want to do and achieve.

think about it. lets pickup where we left off in sept/oct. worst case you'll be moving in aug anyways. you can get rid of me then. ;) you'll only have to put up with me for a few months. =)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

[blog] interview questions

1. Given a sequence Q of n numbers (positive and negative), the maximum subsequence of Q is the contiguous subsequence that has the maximum sum among all contiguous subsequences of Q.
2. Given an array of n integers (positive and negative), find a pair of integers in the array that equates to a k value.
3. Given an array of n integers (positive and negative), find the k largest integers in the array.
4. Given a link list of n elements. The list will always contain 1,000,000+ elements. Find the 100,000 element from the end of the array.
5. Given a link list of n elements. These elements can point anywhere and may even point back to a prior element in the list. This is when you have a cycle. Write a routine to detect cycles in this link list.
6. Given n marbles all of equal weight except 1 and two scales, find an algorithm to find the heaviest marble.
7. Stack (push, pop, peek); minPeek (push, pop, peek, peekMin)
8. Write a routine to get the fibonacci of n both recursively and with a loop.