Wednesday, December 07, 2005

final chapter

this one is hard to blog about so i'll just borrow a song from the cd death cab for cutie called plans...

stable song (gibbard)

time for the final bout
rows of deserted houses
all our stablemates highway bound

give us our measly sum
getting the air inside my lungs is heavenly
starting out with nothing but crippling doubt

we'll rest easy, justifed

i suffered a swift defeat
i'll endure countless repeats
the gift of memory is an awful curse
with age it just get much worse but i don't mind

...end of song...

today i've completed my chapter on my first relationship. i can't say that it won't forever hurt since the struggle for love was only persued by me, and that's what hurt the most. she came into my life with doubts and walked away the same.

it takes two people in order for love. i now see that with more clarity. there should be no obstacles between those in love, just opportunities which both have to see. in my case, only i had the vision of this love.

i'll close this with an advice. be true to your love. always be upfront, honest, and communicate. in the end you really can't make a person love you the way you love them. also don't ever regret that you've tried your best no matter the outcome.

good night to all.


Anonymous said...

this was written on the 7th. do you still feel the same? is it fair to portray her as such? just some food for thought... ~j.

bluenerv said...

this was one of my random emotions that day. i'm on an emotional high every second of the day. i really don't know what to feel at any given time. i know its not fair to G and if she reads this post, i appologize.