Thursday, December 22, 2005

whoa. already thursday.

guess i didn't get to finish yesterday's post since i was so wasted last night. after working out i got back to shower and grab a quick bite before heading out to club bleu. good thing eddie was out DD or else i wouldn't be writing this post today. david, kent, and myself all drank so we were in no condition to drive back. so last night i only downed 3 drinks. 2 redbull and yegamiester and 1 jack and coke. i don't think that eating only dumplings before that helped. oh yeah eileen showed up after a little bit and stayed for maybe half an hour or so because she had work the next morning. she said she felt a little underdressed being in work clothes and all and all the girls in the club were dressed in their clubbing attire. oh yeah... did i mention i attempted to dance again. only for a few minutes though. maybe 2 songs. we left the club at closing which was around 2. got back and drank tons of water to sober up some and headed to sleep.
oh yeah. this song is for jen and danny. =)

Pussycat Dolls - Stickwitu

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so tonight i drove in traffic all the way to alhambra. it was actually a soothing drive eventhough i sat in traffic. i love long drives now. i would love it even more without traffic, but hey, no complaints. at least i got to drive. its just another thing people take for granted.

this time i got over to eileen's and judy's place without getting lost. =) BUT no one was home since judy was still at work and eileen went running. she was actually pretty damn far from home. she ran like 10 miles! ack! so when i called she was somewhere in pasadena by judy's work. i ended up driving over there to pick her up and then we decided to give judy a visit at work. =) you have to see where she works.. one would never be able to imagine a place like that.

so we got over to judy's workplace. she came out to let us in and we looked at the lab she works in and her cubicle. she also showed us a bit of code that she was working on. hehe. what a nerd. ;) i haven't worked with c/c++ in such a long time i feel so stupid looking at it now. =( so while we where there we talked judy into going to dinner with us. yay. more people to hangout with for dinner! i hate eating alone. its not as fun.

judy took us to the cheesecake factory to eat. yummm. of course i never make it to desert. =( while we were waiting we walked around and went into an apple store. browsed around a bit looking at the new ipods and their nice huge monitor screens in the store.

so lets see, i don't want to summerize the night so i have to move along. while we were eating, we were talking about things in life. friends. relationships. past. future. etc. etc. and oh yeah! i finished my jumbo shrimp and angel hair pasta! that's rare. so after dinner eileen and i went back to watch a dvd since we were both too tired to go out to watch a movie. i was suppose to help her rearrange her room, but that never happened either. =) tired. hehe.

so we watched kingdom of heaven with orlando bloom. ooooo. girls go crazy for him. i don't blame them. =) it was a good movie. always gets me thinking why there are so many wars caused my holy people in the world. its like there always a crusade for war rather than peace. i guess in our human nature... maybe peace is too boring? what ever the case, one day we'll all just nuke each other and that'll be the end of that. ok. enough about religious people. they make me sad when i think about them.

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