Tuesday, January 17, 2006

no rain or dark clouds in washington today!

today was beautiful. you can actually see the blue sky and bright sunlight around here. i was a bit spaced out the entire day though because of the lack of sleep. it wasn't what you think though. i just got in late and had to wake up early for work. i guess i'm also getting use to the new hotel i'm staying at. its not a nice of a place as my prior stays, BUT its still not as bad as the shack in costa rica. ;)

i actually have some pics to post from my camera. =)
the picture here is a view from the 3rd floor of the department of corrections. my cube is close to this window. click on the picture to go to my gallery of pictures i took of today. oh, there's a pic in there of a parking lot just filled with water. it looks like a pond really. that's how much rain we get up here in washington state. funny that today was a sunny day, so that they had to reset the counter for consecutive rainy days. i think the record was a hundred and something days. crazy huh?

oh... and i before i forget... HAPPY BIRTHDAY EILEEN! may you find much happiness in your life this year! my gift shall be a trip to whistler president's day weekend. ;) i think that's when i get my license back. =) if not, i have drivers lined up to go. hehe. oh remember to take lots of pics this weekend when you head to vegas. wish i could be there, but i would feel weird with JUST girls there. plus i'll be in norcal with danny, jen, and ray! trust me.. whistler will make up for missing out on vegas. :-D

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