Monday, February 20, 2006

sunday night | monday morning

i can always find comfort in my new home, the hotel room. having come back home this past weekend felt too weird. i loved visiting my friends back home, but i don't feel right calling irvine my home anymore. i know i've only been away for only a month, but it feels like forever, plus the fact that my room is all in pieces it just looks different i guess. yet, it's still that same room where my pooks use to come visit me.

this weekend i've decided to move out and become a nomad, living out of my luggage for the next few years if i can help it. i've already given my notice to christine. as much as i think i use to love irvine at one point, now its the last place i want to be ever. i wonder where i'll be in the next 5 years this time around. apparently my last prediction was a bit off. i'm sure it'll still be interesting to see where i end up yet again.

wow, now that i think about it, my 10 year high school reunion is suppose to be this year. i'm looking forward to see what everyone is up to. hmm. wonder if i will see someof the high school girls that i had a crush on. =) wonder if they will even remember me since i was always so quite around girls in high school.

well its getting late now. going to head to bed so i have energy to hangout in seattle tomorrow since we have no work since its president's day. is this post a little better judy? i didn't cheat by posting song lyrics. =p of course i'll still get those lyrics out once in awhile, i just don't have a song in particular for today. :-D

salute from washington state!

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