Sunday, March 05, 2006

oh canada

this was an interesting weekend. eileen flew in late on friday so we both didn't really have dinner till after i picked her up and we headed over to seattle. we were suppose to go to crocodile cafe for some dinner and live entertainment, but when we got there i found out that they stopped serving food already. at that point i was still hungry so i told jake, my friend that we were suppose to meetup with, that i had to eat first otherwise i wouldn't be able to drink anything on an empty stomach. so we split and walked a couple streets to find a nice place to eat at.

dinner was good. we had some oysters for our appetizer, while eileen only ordered their clam chowder special and i had their grilled ahi tuna. the food wasn't bad, but it wasn't the best that i've had. the best part for me is always the dessert and cappuccino. i can have dessert and cappuccino everyday and what's even better is trying it at random places that i'm not familiar with. which was why the next day was even better!

so after dinner we decided to drive back to my hotel in olympia since its an hour drive away and i can't really speed anymore. it takes me forever to get around these days cause i'm going 60-65 most of the time. how the hell can people drive so damn slow. that's when i realized that i can't really live here if my passion is to drive. i would have to give up driving for sure if i were to move to a state like washington where you'll see a cop every 10-20 minutes or so.

we got back to the hotel and was pretty awake once we got up to the room. i took a shower too because i can't really sleep with gel still in my hair so that woke me up even more. we didn't really get to bed until maybe 4 something since we were up talking and watching this one show on mtv, which i forget what it was called, but the premise was that these parents select 2 dates for their daughter that they think would be best for her. the kick is that she's always dating someone that both her parents can't stand. in the end of the show after she goes out with her dates, she gets to decide if she wants to stay with her long time boyfriend or one of the new guys her parents have selected.

i like the show because most of the time the girl picks her boyfriend of course. then i realize i needed someone in my life that would stick with me through thick and thin no matter what the case. i mean i would do the same if i'd really loved the person i was with. i'm i just crazy? what ever the case, i like that show and seeing how many times a girl chooses her boyfriend over someone that seemed just right.

personally i think you can't really know a person until you've been with them for a certain period of time. i mean you REALLY have to be with a person for their real personality to show. most guys, even myself, go out of their way to try and impress, etc etc before we've actually gotten comfortable with someone. then our true selves come out. i guess that's not the case for some guys still i guess. i also assume girls are that way too. you can't really tell how she would be like in the long run until maybe living with her and waking up every day with her.

anyhow i can tell this post will be long since i haven't posted in some time. so the next day i woke up around 9 for some odd reason i couldn't sleep. eileen was still sleeping so i decided i would try to get some work done. unfortunately my computer has been really slow and i can hardly get any productivity out of it. so i listened to some music also while i was waiting for my computer to crunch away. eileen finally kinda wokeup around 11 since i was sneakingly making noise for her to wakeup. ;) haha. oh yeah i was also trying to talk to her to make her wakeup also. eventually it worked. =) so we didn't get out of the hotel till 12 something and headed into seattle to grab some lunch.

let me just say this weekend has been one adventure after another. heading towards seattle my rental was running low on gas and the light has been on for awhile since we didn't really find a convenient spot to fill up. we went off of the first exit M.L. King since i thought that sounded like a big enough street to have a gas station... i was wrong. who'd a thought it was a tiny street. i would think martin luther would have a better street named after him. =) so the next street we tried turned out to have a station AND the station was RIGHT in the international district where we were going to get lunch AND it was RIGHT across from the japanese market that jake took me to the first time where i can get free parking with a minimal purchase price from their market. it was PERFECT.

after lunch and driving around seattle trying to find the i-5, we decided to let a coin toss if we should drive over to downtown vancouver to meet up with judy and have dinner and all. and of course fate decides that we DO drive there. we didn't have directions or anything but just knew that we had to drive up the i-5. AND we didn't have our passports, but it didn't matter. =) so one, we could have been denied going into canada and had to drive all the way back after getting to the the border, or two, we'd be held in canada and not able to return on time to the states. none of that mattered since we really didn't care one way or the other. i love being totally random. being with eileen and judy just bring that out of me since those two are just plain crazy fun. =)

so once we got into canada after some harassment at the border we just drove north not really knowing where vancouver was. ;) while driving a little further north there was this info booth that was closed, but they had a map so we briefly glanced at it and found out that the freeway we were on was good and that if we kept heading north that we'd eventually end up in downtown vancouver. sure enough we got there fine and drove all around vancouver to discover downtown. i was basically driving up and down the streets trying to keep in mind where i was relatively. i'm pretty proud of myself since we actually found the street that judy's hotel was on. we parked around there and walked around since judy was still heading back from somewhere. man... let me just say that it was WISE to always have your cell phone CHARGED! eileen's phone was at my hotel room running out of battery AND mine was also dying ALL while we were trying to get in touch with judy. so here's another adventure, my phone eventually died while trying to find out where judy was. basically we were just about to give up when eileen spot judy across the street!!! let me just say that i nevered really believed in fate before, but it got us to vancouver AND fate also got us to meet up with judy EVEN with dead cell phones! what a great adventure. these girls never fail me when it comes to adventures... just like vegas!

so here's my observations in vancouver... there are LOTS of cute girls walking around and the ratio of girls to guys were like 10:1. can you believe that! i mean, holy sweet mother of...! i'm glad that david and i are going to stay in vancouver for 4 days end of march. first of all april 1st use to be a special day for me, but its just going to be another date after awhile. anywho, i'm totally excited to hangout with david in downtown vancouver. there seems to be LOTS of clubs and cafe's to hit up. need to work on the courage to talk to girls, but hey.. when you have david as your wingman.. i don't need to work so hard. =)

what a weekend... i'm probably leaving out lots of details, but there's just to much to capture in words. over all it was totally me. random. ^_^

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