Wednesday, June 14, 2006

thought of the day

commitment. words associated with this concept:


those are just a few i can list off the top of my head as i'm huffing and puffing from my situps and pushups for tonight. i'm getting back into shape after 5 months off of working out.

so back to my thought of the day. so i'm chatting with this random girl from the philippines. long story, but she looked me up on msn and messaged me one day. of course i anwsered because i thought it was my cousin amy that i've spoken to recently. anyways this girl has been trying to chat with me still even though i haven't had much time to be online.

anyhow she seems to be a needy person just like someone we all know... me. BUT i've learned since my experiences that i let my emotions get in the way of what i actually want. i think albert lai brought it to my attention that high school kids now a days call that a person with emo or something to that affect. damn i'm getting old. i can't understand what the youngsters are saying anymore. i guess i understand how parents or adults feel.

in chatting with this girl... i realize that commitment is a hard concept to understand. some people think they have it down, but i really don't think so. the words i listed above are ones that come out of people's mouths when they want to do something. for instance... working out. for me it's plain and simple. you either DO it or NOT. most people WANT to exercise and get healthy, which is a good starting point, but if you don't take the initiative then that means jack shit to me. execution. take all the avenues you have out there to go out and actually do it. if you're lazy, find ways to motivate yourself. if you are busy, which i know most people are not even though they say they don't have the time, why the fuck do you have the time to eat something and sit around watching tv then? don't take too much offense to that statement since i can't eat like a normal person. at least i find ways to eat more though. the progress shows in the weight i've put on. so what if it takes me forever to eat. i am who i am. at least i'm making progress. more than i can say for those just sitting around criticizing. you know who i usually listen to? those that get shit done. key lesson here? acceptance and then change.

excuses. that's all i hear from people. it hurts. blah blah blah. NO PAIN, NO GAIN. so why do people give excuses? simple. it's easier to give an excuse then to get your ass into doing something. i have to admit though. i catch myself doing the same shit. BUT when i realize it, i take the appropriate actions to correct my errors. my problem is that i commit to too much. that's also a bad thing cause it's a demotivator. right now i have filled up my time so that barely get ANY downtime. i sleep maybe 7 hours a night.

what i've learned... ROUTINE. what about it? GET INTO A ROUTINE. leave maybe one or two days free to be flexible enough so that you don't break your routine. any changes are taken out of your flex time. if you can't fit it into that free slot... then you shouldn't commit to it because you have prior commitments. i've made some mistakes trying to balance commitments in the past. no more commitments that i can't keep from now on. integrity is also an important virtue to procure. i have an approach that i will live by now. that just means i have to learn to say no when i cannot accomodate a request.

there's my thought of the day. take it for what it's worth. rambling from a stranger you don't know or maybe from a person that you think you know, but not really. =)

i bid thee goodnight and happy thoughts.

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