Tuesday, August 01, 2006

good day

tis always a good day when girls roll down their windows to say hi to eddie and i again at the same corner on alton and culver. i love that corner of the street. ;) i wonder if they are the same girls from last time. hard to tell since it was actually a different car they were in. this time eddie said hi back while i just looked to see how young they were. i think they're still in high school, but hey... no complaints if they wanted to say hi first. =)

hopefully next time we'll have older women hitting on us instead. ;) then i wouldn't have to feel so bad. oh well...

i guess life is once again good to me. all the sailing i've done this summer has kept me busy and yet relaxed. it's also kept me away from computers for a bit after work hours. guess the only reason i've been on this much is because hans is on his vacation in japan so i have a little more work than usual to do, but i think i'm handling it ok so far.

i don't have much of an insight into life today so back to some light reading for work and then off to bed. can't believe i've changed my schedule so much that i'm actually tired around now. i guess i can accomplish more in life when i work normal hours, let alone sleep normal hours like the rest of the world!

chow for now.


Anonymous said...

Good to hear your are living it!

Either ur too young luk'n or maybe those chic look young? A plus for you bro.

bluenerv said...

both your assumptions are true. i'm too young lookin and the girls DO look young as well. at least one of them does. or maybe that's a feature of blondes. ;)

Anonymous said...

thx for the tip to luk young, sure need it!