Monday, December 25, 2006

back from my cruise

first off merry christmas to everyone. what a year it's been thus far. we've still got a few days left before kicking off the new year of 2007.

anyone who knows me knows that i love driving. fast, slow, far, near... it doesn't matter just so long as i am behind the wheel and driving anywhere. ever since i started driving, i've always used it as a way to vent and meditate.

day drives are great for cruising along a peaceful scenic route, the sun's warmth on your face and body while the wind's breeze cools you down from the burn building upon your skin. listening to old tunes brings you back into the past and the world continues to move forward around you.

night drives, just like the day, are also great to cruise along. it's best when the air outside is cold or chilled driving with the heater blasting. the mixture of both the cold and warmth is difficult to describe, but it leaves you with a great sensation. there is very little visibility of the environment around you as you drive except for the stars twinkling in the sky and the moon's night light guiding you in the night. this is when i can meditate best with very little distractions going on except the mildly stimulated senses.

cruising route 66 was another great adventure i have yet to complete next time around. this christmas eve weekend judy and i got as far as the national petrified forest in arizona before we had to turn around in time to come back for christmas. the route starts on colorado boulevard around santa monica and ends in illinois i think. thanks to judy for planning and organizing the trip. i had a lot of fun and great experiences.

pictures will follow soon.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

precursor to this year's recap

i can't believe an entire year is almost over with a blink of an eye. where has the time gone? there were moments that seemed like time had frozen, but maybe that was just me. it was almost yesterday when i started this blog. the year has been full of ups and downs and a LOT of chaos.

looking back i think i kept myself quite busy, which seems to have worked out nicely. there were a few accomplishments and a few goals that got pushed aside, but that's just life. i think i may have distance myself from a couple friends and reunited with some past ones. i hope i didn't offend anyone in my mentally crazy state of mind.

well... since my workout buddy has just canceled on me, i'll be heading out to the gym myself today. today's blog with be short like my recent posts, but the gym comes first. it really is my new addiction among habits.

i'm sure i'll post another recap before this year is over or maybe first thing next year.