Wednesday, March 21, 2007

for every end there is a new beginning. likewise for every beginning there has to be an end. life is an infinite loop of beginnings and endings. each moment is a slice in time. all the slices aggregated over our lifetime defines who we are and what we are about. any blemishes we've created can never be overlooked nor forgotten. doing so would only deny our existence. to exist is to think and act according to what we perceive is our chosen path. life does not come with a guide for us to rely on for directions, but we do the best we can to travel the road most interesting.

and with that thought, i depart leaving you with the notion of the road least traveled. you are at a fork in a road, which path would you be most likely to take?


Unknown said...

and if both paths are unknown? :)

bluenerv said...

i was thinking that lately. if both paths are unknown then i guess we'd have to make our own.

like what students do in aldrich park. if enough ppl follow you then it will become a known path. isn't that exciting?

making our OWN paths... ;)