Tuesday, May 01, 2007

ahh.. it's been awhile since i've updated my short term goals so here i goes for my own record.

there has finally been progress on that weight gain. as of RIGHT now i'm 123lbs.. but that'll be 120 or so by morning. where the heck does that weight go when i'm just sleeping! progress makes me happy, so let the progress continue!

i've done my fair share of salsa for the time being. think i'll take a break from that since it pretty much blocks out my entire saturday. BUT i have decided to actually sign up for a guitar class at IVC. that'll be lots of fun i predict. i think i'll concentrate on guitar for the time being along with turning black over the summer. i've already gone through my first layer of skin so far and summer hasn't even begun yet. guess some sunblock is needed aye? ;)

aight. that's it for now. gotta catch some z's.

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