Sunday, April 06, 2008

my fling with opportunities

closing the door to past chapters seems a bit easier now that i've had a decent amount of practice. disappointment is something i can expect and manage much better in a timely manner. life was meant to be carefree and enjoyed one day at a time, such as the lessons taught by my parents when i was younger. its no wonder i see them happy more often than not.

hence life is great! i've taken my opportunities and didn't let them pass me by, even if they fell through. makes for living in the present a bit easier since i hardly have to wonder about the past and those what-if questions.

so far my pursuit for a new job is still in the works and the current count is 0 for 1. i've discovered my weaknesses and shall improve before the next attempt. my pursuit for in relationships on the other hand is 0 for 2. lastly my business opportunities is still pending, but i'm quite hopeful with this one since i don't see reasons why it will fall through. we have the ppl experience, money, and the foresight along with motivation.

the future is a constant change given the actions of the present. you have no future if you don't take the risks to follow your dreams. and on that note... i solute those risk takers. good luck!

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