Sunday, December 18, 2005

back from vegas.. again!

ok we be back from vegas. my 2nd weekend in a row going to vegas. this one was diffintely a different experience. let me give thanks again to eileen and judy for having me along. i would also like to thank amy for being so friendly this weekend. being the only guy in the room felt a little weird, but at least i knew eileen and judy so it wasn't toooo weird.

i had lots of fun with these crazy girls. running down the strip from the mirage to cvs pharmacy in the stinking cold weather... well.. that was good exercise. too bad i wasn't in my tennis shoes! and you made my alcohol wear off! sheesh. oh oh. and there was no alcohol in cvs for those of you who want to try getting some next time. =) just thought i'd share that info so anyone reading won't make the same mistake we did. hehe.

ok so our first night there we checked out club tangerine. that was a blast. after getting myself some jack and coke, the girls were able to drag me out on the dance floor. oh man.. i think i'm addicted to dancing now. i'm not good, but it was sooooooo fun. made me wish i took some dance classes while i was back in college. but you know, it's never too late. so i'm going to look for classes to take. i want to go out dancing more this year.

so back to the dance floor. man. girls have it so easy. guys come up and just start dancing with them. most of the time you get weirdos, but that's not too bad since they can just move away or ignore the guy. for guys its a bit harder to find a girl unless you're one of those weird creeps. girls also have no cover charges and they get in special lines... bleh... =p i'm not bitter. i guess that's the least that i can endore considering girls do have it rough with the child baring and monthly bloody mess. yuck.

so on saturday the girls and i went to checkout club pure at caesar's palace. the line was a friggin nightmare. ppl were correct telling us that it was a 2 hour line. the front door guy told the girls that if it were just them they would have no cover and they could go to another special line that really moved fast. as judy was proceding to get in the regular line i was thinking... that's crazy. why should they wait in line with me for 2 hours while they can get in sooner. i told her that they should go in first and that i would wait in line since i was also waiting for my roomie eddie cause he was also going to come checkout the club.

so here we go, cutting the story short, the girls went in. eddie came shortly after with oliver and then oliver's friends came along too. we stood there for maybe over half and hour and decided it wasn't worth this long wait since we still had to pay cover even with them stupid VIP passes. i think the guy was just an ass since i think the passes do say no cover or line charge. fucking asshole. we took off to the shadow lounge instead. that's where i got wasted with drinks. i must have had 4-5 drinks. after a while i just lost track. thank goodness oliver's friends gave me a ride back to the mirage which was around the corner because i wouldn't have been able to walk back. i felt like throwing up after all those drink, but... that never happened. =) yay. i was able to hold my liquor. i'm kinda proud that i can take so many drinks and didn't have a hangover. i think one more drink would have done the trick though.

this weekend i learned a few things about girls. i won't share them here since i might get beat up. ;) but girls are an interesting breed. not to say that guys aren't, but since i'm a guy my thoughts are a bit biased. anyhow, i think i'll end this post now. looking forward to the future.

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