Thursday, January 05, 2006

another rainy day in washington

all this rain here may seem gloomy, but its actually pretty soothing. driving in it kinda sucks, but i like to walk in the rain. every bead that falls on my face feels refreshing as if taking a cold shower.

today i discussed my travel arrangement with my project manager and came up with the idea of staying this weekend so that i can come back to LA for my early morning court date. the cool part of the negotiation is that i get to stay in LA till sunday. so here's what i have planned thus far after coming back that sunday.

the following weekend i want to fly into san jose and spend the weekend with danny and jen. yay! i want to go shopping with jen while i'm there since i'm looking to buy a completely new wardrobe. actually.. the plan was to stash some clothes there... keep my work clothes at the hotel to get dry cleaned every weekend, and then replace my wardrobe back in irvine. that's going to be a LOT of work, but lots of fun. SHOPPING! oh i actually want to buy new work clothes too since i own mostly sweaters and they are just getting old. plus there's a reason to replace everything. =)

for those of you whom haven't seen me in awhile... i'm probably going to change a lot. i'm eating tons of food up here now and some of my pants are getting a bit tight. i love the feeling. so far my dinners everyday are ~$40. its great to eat out on the company. ;) i can have my full course, including my coffee and dessert!

oh yeah. so getting back to my schedule... after visiting san jose and sf for the following weekend, i was planning on flying eileen up here so we can go to whistler from here. yay! i'll get to board this season. and i'm going with a crazy boarder! lol. well. no one to keep me back this time. ;) i wonder how long it will take me to improve now. i still have yet to go off jumps. we'll see how often i go though. its all about going often and practicing like any other sport.

so yeah. after whistler.. i was planning on flying david up here so we can hit the bars and cafes up in seattle. that'll be fun. exploring seattle with dave. i'm hoping we get in some excerise too since i haven't gone to the gym yet. i really want to convert some of this new weight into muscle mass soon. =) otherwise i might lose it once work gets busy.

oh man work... i have a feeling we're going to be busy already. TONS of defects. imagine an application developed by 90-100 people. most of them where outsource from india too. this project was so behind schedule... try like 2 years. =) and it never launched because of all the defects still in the system. we're the 2nd ibm team to come in to correct the issues while also designing new features for phase 3. now imagine how much work that will be for 4 developers taking over a system that took 90-100 developers to write... :-D it's going to be LOTS of fun and i'm TOTALLY excited. we have 3 months to get this done and deployed into production so that the state department of corrections can start using it. i love working on something that tons of people will use. internal applications are not as fun cause there is no immediate outcome that is tangible for me.

ok. finally able to get through to the travel agent to reschedule my trip and stay the weekend. that took me from 9.30pm till now, which is 10.50. i mean WHAT THE F%&^! oh well. i got my blog done for the day. going to do 100 situps and pushups, then head off to shower, brush, and into bed i go.

gnite homies! i'll catch yah tomorrow if ya online.. and if i'm not in all day meetings again. ;)

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