Monday, January 16, 2006

leaving orange county for awhile

now that my speeding ticket is settled and i don't have to be back in court for anything, i don't think i'll be coming back to irvine for awhile. being back here is just boring, except when i hangout with my friends, but for some reason when i'm not i just go back to being depressed again. i don't know if i'm actually making any progress moving on seeing how i always revert back a few steps when it seems i've moved forward.

can't wait to get on that plane and take off. wish i can just take all my friends with me also. at least i can look forward to spending next weekend with jen, danny, and ray.

time for a nap. mentally and physically tired. i'll contiue this post later when i'm back in washington, unless i'm too tired to login.

bye bye OC! clear skies and hot sun every day is over rated i tell you. ;)

i had to leave my hookah behind this time cause i already had two carry on. =( i promise to bring you next time buddy!

1 comment:

bluenerv said...

i'm up for travelling ANYWHERE! =)