Friday, January 13, 2006

tis friday!

i rescheduled my orthodontics appointment to today since i won't be around next week or several weeks at that. the 17th marks my 5 year anniversary of when i got my braces. the GREAT news is that i FINALLY get them off for sure this time in feb because they scheduled 2 appointments back to back, one for removing the braces and the other for xrays and creating a mold. i'm definitely looking forward to that moment when i get them off... then i'll dread the week after when i have to xray and take a mold. i hate taking the mold cause it makes me want to choke all the time.

wonder how i'll look without braces. its been so long i don't remember how i use to look. all my pictures have me smiling, but with my mouth closed. =( so sad i don't have pictures of me actually smiling because i was self concieous of my smile ever since i was a little kid. weird how i preach to others that they shouldn't care what others think of them and all that matters is that they are happy with themselves. i guess i was never really happy with myself. i wonder if i was ever TRUELY happy at some point or will be in the future...

listening to dj mystik right now... the guy has a great compilation of songs in his mixes. must be nice to have a talent like his, so in tuned with the songs he listens to and the ability to make others feel heavenly at ease while listening. i would buy ALL his CDs to support him if only i knew where to get them or if he even sells it directly. he's released 36 CDs total in his career that i know of and i only have maybe 10. i can't wait to get ahold of the rest of his mixes.

Real Name: Tony Tran
Alias: Dj Mystik
Nationality: Vietnamese
Location: California
Style: Trance, Eurogressive
Mixes Released: 34

Dj Mystik is Vietnamese and from California. He is rumored to be the one who got the Underground Asian Music scene here in the United States going. He was a main part of the Asian trance scene which had strong roots on the west coast of the United States and was one of the first Djs in Hypnotika. He released 34 promotional mixes.

Dj Mystik mixes his tracks from one vinyl to other. He uses lots of white label and European releases which are hard to find in the United States.

It is rumored that he was a Dj so he could support himself as he went through law school. Supposivly he stopped releasing mixes so he could finish up school and concentrate on his networking skills.

As far as his current whereabouts go, no one is exactly sure. Apparently he disappeared from public view several years ago, around 1998-2001, supposivly for many reasons. Some of them could have been because of the filesharing due to Napster or mainly because there are so many Mystiks rising in Europe and he's not being recognized because of that. Some people say he might have become DJ Matrix while others say he is settling with his life.

It was also rumored that he was signed not too long ago by a German production company named Blutonium and put out Cyber clubbing with them as well as some singles featuring Pierre Knott and (DJ) Slim. He should be around his mid-late 30's by now.

Regardless of his mystery, he has made some great mixes and will always be remembered as one of the legends in the asian scene. Dj Epic and Dj Slim are still around pumping out some awesome mixes. Dj Mystik will never be forgotten.

oh yeah. i found a picture of dj mystik today. don't laugh. the picture doesn't compliment his skills. ;) remember he's part of the asian trance scene.

tonight was good. got a chance to hangout with some old buddies from back in college during my freshman year. we ate at AJ's in irvine. i think that's the 3rd time i've been there. pretty decent food and cheap. =)

afterwards i had a chance to hangout with muhammah and suzy at aladdin for some nice mint tea and hookah. i love that place. wish they had one in seattle, but i guess that's a good thing kinda. muhammad, suzy, and i want to get a place like that going since i think its a great business venture. i was telling them how perfect that place would be if we started one up in seattle since the cost is cheaper than here, plus it just suits seattle people well. cafes are plenty there and with the addition of hookahs, i think the idea might do VERY well. especially the location that i'm thinking of, close to a university and all. young people like to try different things and this fits the crowd.

my goal now is to put together a business plan for our idea, so i need to do some additional research as to the cultural surroundings and the economic feasibility. a place like aladdin brings in a good amount of revenue monthly, even for its current location. i think we can do even better. plus we have connections to the supply stream of hookahs. in addition to muhammad's idea of ebay'ing hookahs and accessories, we can sell off our surplus easily if need be to make more money on the side.

hey jen! i also have goals that i want to achieve now! before the end of my project in washington, i will have a business plan written up and all my research done. ;) life is all about taking risks right? well... i'm going to take a chance and see what happens. i believe the idea is sound, just need to put in the effort to make it successful! i will at least try and minimize the risk instead of jumping in blindly of course. =)

i'm moving on forward! but first some sleep since i'm dead tired right now.


1 comment:

bluenerv said...

i have many joint business venture ideas. doing research now on making them financially feasible. =)