Thursday, January 12, 2006

oh what a night

i woke up this morning with a slight hangover. last night i went to bleu with dave and his buddies. it was his buddy anh's birday a couple days ago and they didn't get a chance to go out till last night. i was celebrating my suspended license and getting fined. =) j/k. i was there to drink away my stress. oh guess what, i also bought a pack of cigarettes to smoke outside the club. i can see why people smoke now. its actually pretty soothing. maybe they are addicted to that part more than the nicotine itself. i don't really know. all i know i had 2 cigarettes last night and would have gone for more if we weren't leaving. after we got home, i just passed out and slept like a baby. no more dreams or anything. just out.

oh as for the log of what i drank last night so i can remember my limit: 1 redbull and yegameister, 1 just yegameister, 1 three wise men shot, and 1 water. =)

did i ever tell you guys about the dream i had a few days ago? it was actually a pretty happy dream till i woke up. i'll leave out most of the details, but basically i dreamt that gretchen and i got back together. the sad part was that i woke up at 6.30am as usual since it was a working day and tried to sleep in a little longer to see how the dream would turn out, but i couldn't. oh well, at least it was a good dream. one that i was happy again.
testing out my new camera below.

my new cue stick that i ordered from the ibm thanks award program. thanks ian for sending me the award. =) now i'm going to really practice my hustling skills at the pool halls. ;) i will beat you yet eileen! you may have beaten me EVERY game so far, but mark my words... i WILL get better!

my bottle of bliss. this bottle of sweet nector allows me to sleep on tough nights. without it i would be a walking zombie the following day. in addition to my jack, smoking helps relieve stress during the day. i would have my box of cigarettes posted, but i left it with some buddies at bleu! must go get some more now. =p

the box that my camera came in. i would have taken a picture of the camera, but that's hmm.. =)

my new video ipod! i like the nice black sleek look of this video ipod. you can see my dumbass reflection in it though. =p oh! i guess you can also see the camera that i got kinda.

picture id for the department of corrections in washington. i'm dead tired in the picture as you can see. i had 30 minutes of nap that morning since i couldn't sleep at all. so i basically stayed up surfing the web and watching tv.

and here it is... my first speeding ticket in CA going 103mph. this was my trip coming back from stockton. i've definitely learned my lesson after the harsh ass sentence i received from the damn judge in valencia.

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