Wednesday, January 11, 2006

what a day...

ok. so i missed my post on tuesday, but it was a pretty short day so let me summerize real quick. i had a half day at work and left to fly back to the OC around 3.30pm pst. lots of turbulence, but i found it relaxing this time. looked like the wing was going to flip off. =) i really didn't have a care in the world. i just listened to my ipod and tried to get some rest.

so when i got back david picked me up. we went back to his place and both changed into workout clothes and headed over to the 24hr fitness by the spectrum. i must say it was a good workout. we did arms and shoulders and i felt like i couldn't even lift my arms above my head at the end. that's when you know its a good workout. after that we both cleaned up and had dinner at BCD, a korean restaurant that is open 24/7. you gotta love places that are opened late.

after that i just headed over to judy's and eileen's to rest up for my court date today. i ended up sleeping around 2am and woke up at 5am. i left their place at 5.30 and actually got to court 2 hours ahead of schedule. i was damn tired and tried to sleep in my car, but as you all know... you CAN'T sleep in an MR2.

so ok... here's the verdict... i got my license suspended for 30 days... don't mind too much since i'm working out of state and my coworkers can give me a ride since we rent at the same hotel. here's the fine though... 1700+! DAMN. haha. i was a bit shocked cause from reading the CA website on tickets like mine... the max fine was suppose to be 500 for the first offence. oh well. i'm not going to bother with it. its something that already happened and in the past. just have to deal with the 30 days without my license and payoff that dang fine within the next 3 months. i can live with that. no one died or was hurt.

as for my drive today... i logged ~200 miles. damn that felt like a long drive even though i've had longer drives. maybe its just the fact that at the end of the drive, there's nothing to look forward to. i'm not visiting anyone or going anywhere exciting. i'm going to have to regulate myself from feeling the need to speed the next few years. maybe 7 years even. sucks ass. going 60-70 feels like a crawl. maybe worse than sitting in traffic. at least in traffic i KNOW i can't go faster than the guy in front. such is life... it sucks. oh... did i mention that today is the first time i've seen the sun in over a week? guess i should enjoy the sun while i'm here this week. after this i'll be away from socal for a month or so.

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