Sunday, February 26, 2006

the pink project

just came back from the pink project fund raiser for breast cancer and rape victims. it was put together by one of my high school friend, valarie patterson. its been sooooo long since i've seen anyone new from back at bishop montgomery high school. i have to admit i love that school even though i was only there for one year. i still remember the retreats we had going to the mountains and all. it was also nice to be able to share our feelings with friends. private schools are great. =)

well tonight valerie organized this fund raiser that david told me about and kieu was also helping to spread the word so that more people were aware of the event. kieu was a friend from way back in the days of grade school. man, i wonder what most of my grade school friends are up to these days. i can't believe i've actually spent 9 years of school with them and yet some of us has lost touch. strange how some people come and go out of your life while others just seem to float around forever.

any cancer event is pretty important since it hits pretty close to home, even though both my mom and brother have hopefully benign tumors rather than the cancerous ones. but in any case, the thought of either having cancer or even maybe having cancer is pretty scary. the more people that come out to support the cause, the better in that we can gather enough money to hopefully improve the treatments or even get rid of cancer/defects all together in our genetic composition.

here's a picture of tina, the girl from napolean dynamite which made those trinkets and also napolean's girlfriend. surprisingly she actually had a band and they played the last set of the night before the event was over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Idea.. you can publicize the events on your blog. You might be interested in local Relay For Life events to benefit cancer research.