Tuesday, May 23, 2006

another fun day at work

i'm not being sarcastic in my title in case you are wondering. =p that's an entirely genuine statement. i'm still learning lots which i've always said before in choosing my career path; if it's not fun, it's not for me. my sys admin mentor, hans is still the same hans i've known in the past. greatest person to work with since i know i can always learn much more from him. i still have more to learn in the IT industry, but that area seems a bit dry at the moment. i do appreciate the political battles i've been through and lessons i've learned all in hindsight. i've also taken the experiences of professionalism and the process and methods that goes into IT projects.

outside of work though, as eddie and i were crossing the street from our bus stop home. these two girls in their suv rolled down their window to say hi. that totally took me by surprise. i was actually looking at the driver, seeing how i've always had a thing for blonds, then all of a sudden her friend rolls down the window and says hi to eddie and i. at first i thought they were talking to someone else, but when i looked around it was just eddie, me, and this one other girl carrying her dog. i looked back and i could see their eyes directly looking at us. i froze like a dumbass and didn't really react gracefully. neither did eddie though. =) i think we're both way to shy. looking back on it now there were a few things we could have said, but didn't. damn. i don't think i'd ever expect that to happen. so that made my evening.

i started my workout routine today. finally! dang david was too lazy last week and this week he was telling me he had gotten a whiplash from kickboxing during the weekend. i dragged his ass to the gym still and i started on some chest machines and one back machine. we'll work in freeweights again next week hopefully when dave is back in shape. i can't wait. another 10lbs here i come. i'd never thought that i would linger a little below 110. still my goal is to be at 130 so there's lots more to build. funny how these days i have to unbutton my pants to get some breathing room. guess i should start my situps again. =p anyhow today was a great start. my arms are sore as fuck. could barely drive even with both hands, but pain is always good. i don't think i need to remind you of that cliche. and for those that complain about working out, tough luck, it comes with the territory. suck it up and get your ass in shape. if you say you're fat, do something about it and stop whining. i'll sum it up in one word... listen up... LIFESTYLE.

so i've finally made my way onto chapter 3 of the book tao of physics. this read will take me some time since there is so much from reading just one sentence. i'm still learning so much, which like a typical geek, always excites me. so many philosophers have summed up what i've always thought in a much more organized structure. these consepts and ideas date back so far and yet regurgitated over and over so many times in various forms by others that never give credit where credit is due. one of my all time quote i still have up on my main website says "The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it." my man karl marx. it's not good enough that we understand what's going on, but what are we to do about it. physicists have always lived up to that quote seeing how they've always formulated new ideas to improve the way we think about the world.

tonight's post will end with another passage from what i've read today. there are lots, but i'll mention the one that comes out best in my mind. Here's a famous sentence from Descartes, of which is also on the top of my favorite's list:

Cogito ergo sum -- I think, therefore I exist

as Fritjof Capra states -- has lead Westerners to equate their identity with their minds, instead of with their whole organism. As a consequence of the Cartesian division, most individuals are aware of themselves as isolated egos existing 'inside' their bodies. The mind has been seperated from the body and given the futile task of controlling it, thus causing an apparent conflict between the conscious will and the involuntary instincts. Each individual has been split up further into a large number of separate compartments, according to his or her activities, talents, feelings, beliefs, etc., which are engaged in endless conflicts generating continuous metaphyical confusion and frustration.

later on he'll link how when the mind is at ease and the body and mind reacts out of awareness, can also be thought of as instincts, that that state is enlightenment. my coworker yoon told me once as i was on a natural learning high, and feeling like i've learned so much already, that acceptance was a state of enlightment. i can see how everything relates now. when i can demonstrate knowledge from pure instincts, without having to think at all, i've reached that enlighted stage of learning. yet there are sooooo many areas of life that i have yet to explore and observe. i've only concentrated on technology for the past 10 years of my life, dedicating hours and hours of relentlous reading and experimenting with vast technologies. there are certain tasks that i can perform without thinking, but there are still areas i'm weak in.

should that be the path i head towards? i love philosophy so much because it has a root in almost every field. the innovative and forward thinkers in each subject always reflects on philosophy to conquer the unkown to make them known. science and math has advanced so far that maybe 1-3 people in the entire world can grasp its entirety or the most leading edge thought. why is that i don't find people more enthused to learn more. we would all benefit from progress, yet most do nothing or want no involvement. i feel that i've only learned 1%, if that of everything i have a vested intrest in. sad. the human lifespan, even today, is not enough. specialization or broad knowledge. tough battles to fight.

i hope i've shed some light on today's post. sorry about the ramblings in the beginning. i write what i think, uncensored. everyone is human. =)

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