this past weekend... all i can say is i'm sorry. always remember that you are, and will be my best friend forever, even if you get sick of me one day. i have no excuse for all the things i've done that hurt you so much. you are truely more caring of a friend than i can ever hope to be. i know that you have a great heart and i took advantage of your kindness without much in return. and for you to forgive me this weekend and take me in still, that's just beyond words to me. thank you sooooooooo much for being there for me. i don't deserve a friend like you.
i wished you could have joined us on the hike at point reyes. the 5 and 1/2 hour walk was refreshing. as much as i hated hiking, the 13 miles did me some good. its like showering when i was a kid. i always hated to get in, maybe because getting out was cold, but i really didn't hate showering itself. i think its the same with hiking. i hate getting ready for a hike, but once i'm on the trail it's quite tranquil and scenic. of course we took pictures and i've posted them on my gallery page.
so i had a chat with eileen today over dinner. i think i've come to accept the fact that there is absolutely no one out there for me that i can talk with that doesn't complain about one thing or another. maybe i have to turn gay in order to find my soul mate.
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