Monday, June 30, 2008

friend vs acquaintance

so i'm looking at my chat buddy list just now and realized how misconstrued my definition of a friend was before i got it organized. why did i start to organize my buddy list you might ask? well one reason was i couldn't see who was online without having to scroll up and down even on the highest resolution. i've met a lot of ppl in my time. naively enough though, i presumed all of them to be friends. at some point though, i think they were. but being a friend is a two way streak i think.

i'm tired of being the only one reaching out to some of these so called friends. some i know are busy, but that's no excuse to not be able to drop a quick message or email or phone call saying what's up. i have true friends that do that even if they are busy with life you know what i mean? i mean, i reach out even if i'm busy myself. i think ppl use the term friends too loosely these days. just like love and a few other words i'm sure you can think of.

so when is time for ppl to reassess their definitions of certain terms? well for me, as i'm getting older, it's a matter of convenience really. i only need to talk to and spend time with friends that return the same sentiment i feel towards them. after all, i'm not a kid anymore where knowing lots of ppl meant that you are cool. i'll leave that game to the kids to play.

this is not to say that shut myself out from making new friends. ;) i'm always open to new friends, i'm just more selective is all. my buddy list now consists of maybe a handful of names i would chat to often. the rest are a collapse acquaintance list.

i apologize to my friends now if you are reading this... because now you get ALL my attention! ;)

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