Sunday, December 11, 2005

back from vegas

ok so i'm back from vegas this week. i think i'm booked to be in vegas every weekend this year. so as far as our trip went this time, i was mostly still depressed everytime my alcohol ran out. i drank more than my usual share of jack and coke this weekend to the point where i could wakeup with the taste of jack and coke in my mouth. no throwing up though, so that was good. i saw some guy there pretty fucked up. he must have lost tons of money or going through relationship problems. looked like his friends were there helping him back to his room, so i assumed maybe relationship problems. i don't think he looked like the addicted gambler type.

so get this... we get to our hotel paris, dropped off our stuff and went straight down for drinks and some pregambling. i think the combination of drinking and my personal problems was not a good mix with gambling. i mean you bet like you don't really care that it was your money that you just lost. the amount is a bit skewed in my head. david's friend hao, this pharmacist is a pretty high roller. in the past when i went with my friend's from college we usually don't play that erratically. this time i decided to give me luck another try with the roulette tables and i was placing bets with hao. seeing how david told me his friend has won lots of money in vegas i figured i'd follow the ways these guys play.

hao sees this one table with pretty much all reds so far, so he figures black has to hit next... i believe this was the same tactic G and i used once at the palms where we lost 150 i believe... so we both place 40 on black. actually.. we were late for the first bet and to our surprise it came up red again. we were happy that we walked over there kinda slow and missed out on that one since we would have lost. so the next round we place our bets on black. 40 each person. again red shows up... we were talking aboue doubling up to 80 on black again to make our money back and be on top, but i forget why we went with 60 on black... again red! we're like fuck.. ok. there are soo many reds up now that this NEXT one HAS to be black. our next bet was 80 per person on black. and guess what this time.. we still got fucked. so ok. now we're kinda like.. that's a lot of money we lost in a couple minutes of just our prgambling in vegas.. we're going to get that damn money back. we made another bet, 160 each and this HAD to be our hand. guess what... we got screwed yet ANOTHER time!

now we're looking at each other... i don't think hao was thinking the same thing i was because we were both playing on a different level. he's a pharmacist working 72 hour weeks, of course its every other week but still, living at home with his parents still to save money. here i am making chump change compared him trying to place bets that i normally wouldn't have. AND i only had 100 left which was suppose to be my buffer for food and what not for our trip. keep in mind we JUST got there! so i'm thinking, fuck... why did i even play roulette when i vowed never to ever play that stupid game again from my previous experiences. well. we all know why. the reason i went to vegas this weekend in the first place. to get my mind off of G. damn that girl. she can really make me do the stupidest things even if its indirectly.

so what do i do next... i'm kinda fucked at this point, but not really. i can still have this trip minus the gambling. so why did i make my next move... hao and i were going to put down 2 bills on black.. of course i would have had to borrow 100 from hao since he was pretty like a bank with the wads he was carrying. he was ok with that and i was getting out my last 100. BUT... we were too late to place bets. you guys should have predicted the outcome of our bet if we had made it.. yes.. black.. and guess what.. it wasn't red this time... nor was it black... fucking green! we both looked at each other with amazement. we just got saved 2 bills each for being slow to bet again.

this time we talked it over a bit more... i told him i'll bet one more with him, but not 2 bills so i don't have to end up borrowing money. so we decided ok. we were both putting down 1 bill each. we would make some money back, even if its not all. for me it was better so i could gamble a little more in vegas since we wanted to play holdem as well. if i had lost that 100 i would have eaten using my card and got drinks off of both hao and david. so we made our bet next round deciding that we where not going to fight this table any longer and bet on red. as the wheel was spinning i turned away. guess what came up... nope. you guessed wrong. not black.. but red. =)

a feeling relief came over me. at that point G was no where on my mind. but of course shortly after i was thinking... WTF was i thinking. and asking myself... was G really worth my acting stupid over. i mean, why am i going to be stupid and do these stupid things. she wouldn't feel sympathy for me or anything... if anything it would make it easier for her to say what a stupid idiot. i'm glad i've moved on.

so to sum up this weekend it was full of ups and downs... i lost all the money i brought to gamble with, but i didn't end up borrowing any more. i got in a lot of drinking which was cheap in vegas.. i kept myself surrounded with ppl, easy enough in vegas. i've decided i really want to persue my masters in software engineering. take up guitar lessons. get out more, which is why i'm booked for vegas every weekend this year. i want to make my life that much better and that much more worth while.

as for the remainder of the night, i still need to eat dinner. its now 8.30pm and i want to catch a game with danny tonight and try out my new mouse. remember that mouse i bought before i left for my trip.. good thing i bought it before i lost all that money. recently buying stuff doesn't make me cheer up as it had done before. these material things don't last forever. just like the stuff i give G. but then i gave her my love and look what happened. sigh..

ok. time to eat and listen to music while i wait for danny to come back from grocery shoping with his sister and jen... man i so want those moments he has with jen. i once pictured myself hanging out with G's brother along with G. we could have talked about cars, the games he plays, etc. the brother in law type things. again sigh...

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