Sunday, January 01, 2006

happy new years!

nye was a blast even though giantvillage was cancelled. those idiots promoted rain or shine and yet it was still cancelled. eileen and her friends decided to head over to club mayan after finding out about giantvillage and asked if we wanted to head over there also. of course we were looking for something to do for nye so why not? did i mention that it was blast?

today i had a few drinks to loosen up again for a night of dancing. 2 drinks of redbull and yegameister, 1 shot of yegameister, and a heineken to finish it off. dancing was tons of fun.

oh, the weirdest thing happened today. eileen's friend ken turned out to be the same ken from my HS days! dude... that guy was my computer mentor back in the days. he got me started on computer hardware and programming! my very first program was written on a TI89 calculator. it was a number guessing game. pretty simple, but very neat for a first time newbie. i lost touch with the guy after he graduated, seeing how he was a year before me. it was only after ken that i started to take comp sci ap for my senior year in HS. that class was tons of fun and i was the top best student in it! man.. senior year in HS. i remember my computer teacher even gave me a sammy saxon award for computer technology. its like the oscers or something at our HS. each year we would have an awards night in different categories.

man. good memories. so after we finished with club mayan, we headed over to the after party at eileen's friend steve's pad. he owns a pad in chinatown in LA. i met up with ken again and talked about the good old days of computers, BBS'ing, my mom's cooking, etc. man. i'm so glad to hook up with ken again.
pics coming soon of the night.

ok, last thoughts for today since i'm waiting for the tranquilnite to take affect. tomorrow is a start of a new change in environment. there has been so many changes in 2005, it seemed like i was stuck in ine place living in the past. tomorrow i'll be flying up to olympia, washington to work for the corrections department for a few months.

i know that memories are precious, but they can hurt at times when changes happen which involve the people in those blissful moments of your life. i think i've been able to expand my friends network three times my original group size this last few weeks. its great getting to know new people and i'm hoping that i can build a close relationship with most of them. i can't believe eileen and judy have soooo many guy friends. and they are still single? it's just an interesting thought. i do admit those guys are pretty fun to hang out with and chat to. they each have such interesting backgrounds and stories.

it's going to be sad actually leaving my home in the OC (sounds lame huh), but it's due time for a change if scenary. i must admit when gretchen and i first started going out, the first year was a bit rough. at times i doubted myself and wondered what if this and that. what if i actually went out with someone with my similar background. during the first year i almost broke it off several times because i couldn't take the issues we've had back then.

anyhow. i'm feeling affects of the tranquilnite now. my thoughts are fuzzy and might not make any sense right now. therefor i'm ending today's post here. the next time i post will be from up in olympia, washington. this year is going to be full of changes for me instead of having the changes happen around me.

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