Wednesday, April 05, 2006

response to judy's post

judy! i wanted to comment on your post, BUT its on myspace! i deleted my account so i can't comment!

so in regards to your two statements... "if you love something, set it free" and "if it was meant to be"

how naive was i when i thought those things. i agree with your assessment completely! i realized that i had doubts myself about my relationship, but didn't want to hole heartedly admit it. i guess it was easier to feel comfortable with what i had at the time. right now my set goal is to find someone that can challenge me, both mentally and physically. i've always been a person that likes a to debate (not argue) issues that matter in the world. what i've noticed this weekend hanging out with david is that some people just care too much about what others are doing. i mean who the fuck cares what so and so are doing in hollywood. they don't directly affect how i live or how the world can be improved. when it comes to sports, my tool for stress relief, i need someone to be at my level or preferably better. having someone that is better than me is ideal since that's the only way i get better myself. i guess that philosophy also applied to being challenged mentally.

so if you really ever loved someone, who the fuck would really let go of something that great? if you do... ask yourself why and you'll find a simple anwser.

and yes! if it was meant to be, is a statement that we only look back upon. everything that we said that was meant to be is applied in hindsight. things are only meant to be if i work at it. if you apply it to couples.. then its things "we" have to work on.

and here's a quote that came to me as i stare at code all day. it sounds like a mastercard commercial, but hey it's still true.

lessons learned in life...
some lessons are expensive, some come at no cost;
none the less, all lessons learned are pricesless in life.

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